畫題:魏紫姚黄色并硑    共棲翠白影翩翩

型式:   水墨國畫

內容簡介: 花鳥,藍孔雀,白孔雀

尺寸:   97 by 179 cm

年份:   2007 丁亥年

聯繫方式:kklleung@hotmail.com  Tel: 416 456 7879


先後跟隨多位名師學習山水花鳥和書法。2006年初,與趙群勝、梁燕萍同學被孔雀王 (伍彝生老師收為入室弟子。


 2005年,由孔雀王伍彝生創立的加拿大墨韻琴聲書畫會開始擔任財務主任;第四屆任主席;第五屆任會長;現為加拿大墨韻琴聲書畫會永遠榮譽會長。2008年,四川大地震參與賑災義賣。又同年,世界華人慶奧運名家書畫大展,一幅尼加拉瀑布寫馬蹄的作品被收藏。20112012年三幅孔雀圖及二幅山水作品被私人收藏。2016年一幅 <<良朋相聚心花放>> 被私人收藏。2017年一幅 <<荷花香>> 送贈安省中國美術會收藏。曾在孟嘗閣和葡萄園社區中心擔任國畫導師多年。 

2013年獲取 The Scarborough Arts Award Winner as An Outstanding Adult Visual Artist. 登在Big Art Book. 

Kenneth Leung is a Chinese artist.  He has pursued landscape, flower painting and calligraphy from many famous artists for many years.  After landed Toronto, from 1998, he started following the famous peacock Master Ng Yee Sang to further his art accomplishment.  The works were exhibited every year. In early 2006, he was accepted as one of the orthodox disciples (in Chinese word, in-house students) with Mr Chiu Kwan Sing and Mrs Chiu Leung Yin Ping, Sarah. 

 In 2005, some of his works were exhibited in Hong Kong City Hall. His other works are popular exhibits in many countries like Mainland China, New York, Taiwan and Thailand, and, inside Canada cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa and London in different years.    

Community Involvements 

Driven by passion, Leung is active in the arts community in Toronto. 

 He was the treasurer and Chairperson for five terms for the Chinese Art and Education Association of Canada, the organization founded by the late Master Ng Yee Sang. 

 He was a Chinese painting instructor in Monsheong Centre and Vintage Garden Community Centre in Scarborough for many years. 

 He even donated his works to help with fund raising for the 2008 Szechuan earthquake in China. 

Recognition and Awards 

2008 – His work on Niagara Falls (The Horse Shoe) was collected by the organization of the World Chinese Olympic Celebration Arts Exhibition. 

 2011- 2016 Leung’s 6 paintings, including 3 paintings of peacock, were collected by private collectors. 

 2013 – Winner of the Scarborough Arts Award category outstanding adult visual artist. 

 2017 – His Lotus painting was collected by the Ontario Chinese Artists Association. 


Leung is the Permanent Honorary President of the Chinese Art and Education Association of Canada.