型式:中堂 [隸書]
李榮宗 Peter Ly
李榮宗、字明澈,號半雅儒。越南華僑。(榮宗書法研究社) 始創人。早歲從先父李復興(書法名宿)指導學書。善隸書、楷書,行書及行草。
成就 – 2012年榮獲安省政府頒發 “25” 年 – 安省義工獎
– 2019 榮獲美國麻省州長頒發嘉許狀
– 2019年6月22日舉辦了個人書法展
– 2021網上師生書法展
– 2021年應邀擔任5月份中國書法講座嘉賓
– 曾多次獲不同團體,機構及傳媒邀請擔仼導師和嘉賓 ,宣揚中國書法文化藝術
- 多倫多中華文化中心
- 多倫多華商會,
- 加拿大新時代電視,WOW TV, 中文電台,加拿大商報等.
- 安省赿棉寮華人協會(加拿大)理事/秘書長
- 加拿大安省中國書畫學會會長
- 加拿大墨韻琴聲書畫會理事
- 加拿大中國書法協會永久會員
- 法中國際書畫篆刻家恊會副會長(加拿大區)
Peter Ly ( Artist/ Calligrapher)
Peter started learning all major script styles of Chinese calligraphy from his father, Calligraphy Master Li Fuxing at a very young age. Peter’s Clerical script (Lishu) is deeply inspired by his father unique style called “Fuxing Lishu”, which is known for its simplicity, vigor and elegance.
Peter has been teaching Chinese Calligraphy since 2017. He often incorporates real life examples and his personal experiences into his teachings to inspire his students. He employs a simple to complex teaching method and present his ideas in an easily understood manner.
- 25 years [Ontario Volunteer Award] in 2012
- Received a Certificate of Commendation from the Governor of Massachusetts in 2019
- Personal calligraphy exhibition held on June 22, 2019
- Online Virtual Students and Mine Calligraphy Exhibition
- Has been invited by different organizations/Corporation and medias to serve as a guest in promoting Chinese Calligraphy Culture and Art
- Fairchild TV,
- Canadian Chinese Radio,
- Chinese Culture Centre of Greater Toronto “CCCGTA) Canadian Business Daily, etc.)
- Director/Secretary of Vietnamese Cambodian Laotian and Chinese Association (VCL-Canada)
- Director of Chinese Art and Education Association of Canada (CAEAC)
- President of the Chinese Brush Art Association of Canada (CBAAC)
- Permanent member of Chinese Calligraphy Association of Canada
- Vice President of the French-Chinese International Calligraphy, Painting and Seal Carving Association (Canada)
作者通訊地址:56 Painswick Crescent, North York, Ontario M2J3M6 Canada